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Finding Points on Real Solution Components and Applications to Differential Polynomial Systems
Update time: 2014-03-27
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Wenyuan Wu and Greg Reid

Chongqing Inst. of Green and Intelligent Techn. Chinese Academy of Sciences

Applied Mathematics Dept. Western University, Canada


In this paper we extend complex homotopy methods to nding witness points on the irreducible components of real varieties. In particular we construct such witness points as the isolated real solutions of a constrained optimization problem.

First a random hyperplane characterized by its random normal vector is chosen. Witness points are computed by a polyhedral homotopy method. Some of them are at the intersection of this hyperplane with the components. Other witness points are the local critical points of the distance from the plane to components. A method is also given for constructing regular witness points on components, when the critical points are singular.

The method is applicable to systems satisfying certain regularity conditions. Illustrative examples are given. We show that the method can be used in the consistent initialization phase of a popular method due to Pryce and Pantelides for preprocessing di erential algebraic equations for numerical solution.

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