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Professor Li Junhua from Tsinghua University visited CIGIT
Update time: 2014-06-04
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 Invited by atmospheric environment research center, Prof Li Junhua visited CIGIT, and made academic exchange in May 9th.

Professor Li Junhua delivered a speech "Haze pollution characteristics and control technology" in academic seminar. First introducing characteristics of haze pollution in China and changes in components of PM2.5 in Beijing in the past ten years, Professor Li proposed governance haze must substantially reduce emission of gaseous precursors of PM2.5, such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). He also introduced the progress of his group on several cutting edge technology.

Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) high efficiency denitration technology

Activated carbon adsorption - catalytic desulfurization & denitration & mercury removal or dioxin removal integration technology

VOCs low temperature catalytic combustion technology

 Dr. Li Junhua is professor and PhD supervisor of School of environment, Tsinghua University. He won National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars.