1. Aim Our objective is to investigate and develop the novel intelligent analytical instrumentation, spectroscopy technology, sensor technology and their applications in food safety, biomedical, pharmaceutical, environmental monitoring, public security as well as other fields, so as to establish an international research center.  2. Research fields -
1) Development of novel intelligent analytical instrumentation -
2) Spectroscopy technology and applications -
3) Sensor technology and applications 3. Academic leader 
Yulong, Liu, Professor, Director of Research Center of Intelligent Equipment and Instrumentation. 
Wei, Zhang, Associate Professor, Vice Director of Research Center of Intelligent Equipment and Instrumentation. 4. Achievements A portable Raman spectrometer, highly sensitive SERS substrate, improved asymmetric least squares method for Raman spectroscopy are developed in our research center. Meanwhile, we have demonstrated their applications in food and pharmaceutical safety, environmental monitoring, public security as well as other fields.