Yong Feng, a professor of ARCC, the chief scientist of a knowledge innovation project of CAS. He was the director of the automated reasoning lab of the Chengdu Institute of Computer Application, CAS. Now, he is the deputy director of Computer Science Department of CIGIT. His research interests include symbolic-numeric computation and finite element method.
Symbolic Computation, Hybrid Symbolic-numerical Computation, Numerical Simulation, Error-free Computation
1. Mathematical Methods in Privacy-Preserving Data Processing (No. 2020YFA0712303), National Key Research and Development Project, co-PI $2000000 RMB, Dec. 2020-Nov. 2025
2. Computing Integer Solution of a Class of Semi-algebraic Systems by Numerical Methods, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No.11671377, PI $480000 RMB, Jan. 2017-Dec. 2020.
3. Mathematics Mechanization and its Application in Digit Design and Manufacture, National Key Basic Research Project of China (China project 973), Grant No. 2011CB302400, co-PI $ 3,000,000 RMB, Jan. 2010-Dec. 2015.
4. Exact Multivariate Polynomial Factorization over the Rational Field by Numerical Methods. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No.11171053, PI $500000 RMB, Jan. 2012-Dec. 2015.
5. Error-Controllable Algorithm Based on Symbol-Numerical Computation and Its Application (No. 91118001), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Major Program), co-PI, $2600000 RMB, Jan. 2012-Jan.2015
6. The automated reasoning and its applications in High techniques, the third phase of Knowledge Innovation
Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant No. KJCX2-YW-S02, PI $4,200,000 RMB, Jan. 2007-Dec. 2010
7. Obtaining exact number from its approximation and its applications, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No.10771205, PI $260000 RMB, Jan. 2008-Dec. 2010
8. Constructive real algebraic & real geometry and their applications in the field of high technology, the second phase of Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,$ 5000000 RMB, Jan. 2001-Dec. 2005
Yong FENG, Jingwei CHEN. On zero-error computation (in Chinese). Sci Sin Math, 51: 3–16, 2021
Yong FENG, Jingwei CHEN, Wenyuan WU. The PSLQ algorithm for empirical data. Mathematics of Computation, 88(317):1479-1501, 2019.
Yong FENG, Wenyuan WU, Jingzhong ZHANG, Jingwei CHEN. Exact bivariate polynomial factorization over Q by approximation of roots Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 28(1), pp 243-260, 2015.
Yong FENG, Jingwei CHEN and Wenyuan WU. Two Variants of HJLS-PSLQ with Applications. Proceeding of SNC2014, pp 88-96, 2014.
Yong FENG, Xiaolin QIN, Jingzhong ZHANG, Xun YUAN,Obtaining exact interpolation multivariate polynomial by approximation,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol.24(4), 803-815, 2011.
Jingzhong ZhANG, Yong FENG. Obtaining Exact Value by Approximate Computations. Science in China Series A: Mathematics Vol. 50, No.9, 1361-1368, 2007.