Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology , Chinese Academy of Sciences
Feng Yong
Director of the Department of Electronic Information Technology of CIGIT, Executive dean of the School of Artificial Intelligence, Chongqing College, UCAS
  • Professor
  • PhD
  • 023-65935517
  • Department of Electronic Information Technology
Research Fields

Symbolic Computation, Hybrid Symbolic-numerical Computation, Numerical Simulation, Error-free Computation

Social Employment
Awards and Honors
Representative Papers

Yong FENG, Jingwei CHEN. On zero-error computation (in Chinese). Sci Sin Math, 51: 3–16, 2021

Yong FENG, Jingwei CHEN, Wenyuan WU. The PSLQ algorithm for empirical data. Mathematics of Computation, 88(317):1479-1501, 2019.

Yong FENG, Wenyuan WU, Jingzhong ZHANG, Jingwei CHEN. Exact bivariate polynomial factorization over Q by approximation of roots Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 28(1), pp 243-260, 2015.

Yong FENG, Jingwei CHEN and Wenyuan WU. Two Variants of HJLS-PSLQ with Applications. Proceeding of SNC2014, pp 88-96, 2014.

Yong FENG, Xiaolin QIN, Jingzhong ZHANG, Xun YUAN,Obtaining exact interpolation multivariate polynomial by approximation,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol.24(4), 803-815, 2011.

Jingzhong ZhANG, Yong FENG. Obtaining Exact Value by Approximate Computations. Science in China Series A: Mathematics Vol. 50, No.9, 1361-1368, 2007.

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